Simple recipes for the modern Indian kitchen
Author site for Nandita Godbole & Mrttika By Nandita Ceramics
Curry Cravings™
Some people like to take things to the extreme, make assumptions, misread something and end up feeling dramatically wronged. Some others feel the urge to be literary kleptomaniacs.
I need to let you know this about the use of this and all related blogs, content, communication, emails, conversations: basically any written or spoken words, actions, and imagery connected to me, Nandita Godbole or the Curry Cravings (TM) LLC brand are COPYRIGHTED.
There are NO BRANCHES of this business or brand, established in 2005.
The Cliff-Notes(R) version is:
Read, listen, watch, participate, smell, dream, cook, partake and use at your own risk;
I am not responsible for any assumptions you or other you know people make based on what they read, see, smell, hear, dream, cook, patake, watch or use;
NO- you may not use anything from this or my other sites without permission;
I may make a mistake, but only because I am human, tell me and if it is necessary, I'll fix it;
If you don't like something - just leave.
I am entitled to feel anything within the range of emotions of a normal human being and although it is never my intention to hurt anyone's sentiments, if you dislike something, please, and I ask this respectfully - leave.
If you need extra reading materials, here is an expanded version of the same stuff.
As the owner, author and creator of this blog: www.currycravingskitchen.com & www.currycravings.com, as well as Turmeric Press, I, Nandita Godbole want all clients, readers, visitors (spirit-based, extraterrestrial, casual or regular), to recognize some simple things about the terms of use of all websites and everything that falls under the Curry Craving (TM) LLC brand, including any other blog sites, social media accounts connected to Curry Craving (TM) LLC and any email communication sent to currycravings@gmail.com, including but not limited to private email accounts you may have for me.
1. Terms of Use: All information on and taken from this blog and all related blogs is 'at your own risk'. Users and readers may partake the content of this and all related materials of their own free will.
2. Copyright Policy: Unless otherwise noted, I am the legal copyright holder of all material on this blog and all related blogs and websites, and others cannot use it to reprint or publish without my written consent. Photographs may not be used from this site without permission. Please ask for high resolution imagery (200 dpi or above) while using anything from either sites.
3. Hold Harmless: All the information provided on this and all related sites connected to Curry Craving (TM) LLC, is for entertainment, casual reading purposes only. I am not providing medical, legal or other profession advice. Readers agree that they are reading and/or using any of the information from this and all related sites at their own risk and choice. I will not be libel for any errors or omissions in this information nor for the availability of this information, nor will be responsible for any losses, injuries, or damages in any shape or form from the display or use of any information from either blogs.
4. Privacy Statement: I agree to not sell any of your personal or contact information to another company. I will not put your information on spam lists. But also, I am not responsible for the privacy practices of any of advertisers if any, or commentators, on this and all related blogs.
5. Reserve Rights: I reserve the right to change the focus of this blog and all related blogs, to shut it down, sell it or to change the terms of use at my own discretion.
6. Advertisers and Sponsors: Sometimes I may mention a product. However, when you, the reader chooses to buy a product or service based upon this blog and all related blogs, if you have a grievance, you must take action with that exact company to resolve any issues, not with me. Any actions you take after reading any content on this site, is solely at your own risk and I am not libel for anything.
7. Respect and Communications: I will make every attempt to treat others respectfully and welcome respectful debate. All communication stays private, but only to a point. Bullying, badgering, communicating for ill-gain, threats and any form of misrepresentation or hate-mail IS NOT TOLERATED IN ANY FORM, including but not limited to emails sent to the currycravings@gmail address, or through any channels of social media connected directly to me, Nandita Godbole, and to the business account of Curry Cravings (TM) LLC as all of it is connected to the brand and blogs. I may choose to use any comments or communications (emails, messages, notes) from this blog and all related blogs or social medial towards future essays or written pieces, and if there is reason to make any of this communication public knowledge, for any reason, including legal reasons, it will be shared. This includes: communication deemed to be spam or questionable spam, profanity, communication containing language or concepts that could be deemed offensive, containing hate speech, direct or indirect credible threats, or direct attacks on an individual or group, including but not limited to Nandita Godbole or Curry Cravings (TM) LLC.
8. Content: This is a personal blog and is connected to a small business. Any views or opinions represented in either places are personal and belong solely to the site owner. These views do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that I may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions expressed are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, or individual. Although no disrespect or insult is intended, if you feel so (especially when none is intended or implied), feel free to never return to this website. I will not be held libel for any positive or negative assumptions, associations, or any other forms of extrapolations made while visiting this and related websites.
9. My information: Users, readers, clients, visitors to this website, related blogs, or my business do NOT have permission to share ANY of my information including but not limited to personal or business email address, phone number, mailing address or any other form of identifying markers with others for ill-gain, spam, profanity, spreading rumors or misrepresentation. This is a place of mutual respect, everything mentioned in points #4, #7, #8 applies all around.
10. Solicitation or misuse of information: By visiting the site you agree that you will not use any information to solicit me or my business for your own business. I welcome collaborations, affiliates and media partnerships so please make that very clear in any communication, including the preparedness to sign an NDA if circumstances require such. My information may not be used without my knowledge in any third party communication.
By visiting all sites, social media and email accounts related to Curry Cravings (TM) LLC, you agree to these terms of use. Incidentally, my attorney loves meeting new people to provide suitable reminders too.
These terms and conditions of use are subject to change at anytime and without notice.